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Interceptive Growth Guidance
Dental problems related to jaw growth get worse, not better, with time. For this reason, the American Association of Orthodontists recommends initial examination by an orthodontist at age 7. Because they are growing rapidly, young children benefit enormously from appliances that balance the relationship between the upper and lower jaws and develop room for erupting permanent teeth.
Early arch development and growth guidance are indicated in cases of:
Protruding incisors
Bite problems
Severe crowding
Jaw disharmony
Interceptive Growth Guidance
Interceptive growth guidance consists of jaw modification (orthopedics) when both permanent and baby teeth are present. This is directed more at your child’s muscles and jaws than the teeth, although some concerns regarding tooth positioning may be addressed. The goal is to create the healthiest environment possible for the eruption of permanent teeth.
Benefits of Interceptive Growth Guidance:
Less need to remove teeth
Less need for jaw surgery
Improved self-image
Less time in full braces
Reduced risk of tooth fracture
​Improved function